When it comes to puppies, certain aspects of the dog's nature must be considered.
Some of these aspects are related purely to their canine nature, others are due to
the breed's nature, and some are due to the individual characteristics of the dog.
Once we can understand this, we can finally start to provide proper training and
apply it to our daily routines.
Territory is one of the main aspects to be considered. As a physiological need, dogs
tend to be territorial animals, a feature inherited from wolves, their ancestors. Once they have gained total access to the territory they live in, they will claim it all.
Needless to say, fixing this bad habit is not an easy task. Like a chain reaction, it can
escalate to even bigger issues. Certain dogs can develop a reactive and dominant
individual nature, claiming certain key spots in the house, like doors or beds, making it impossible for anyone to come near, barking or even biting.
Chewing is another main aspect that can quickly become a major problem. Dogs are
domesticated animals, however they still need to feed their primal instincts. Again,
linking them to wolves as an example; after the weaning period, their cubs immediately start to eat meat, but they don't eat the best parts of their prey because they still have baby teeth. This means that they will eat the waste, what the pack left behind, including heaps of bones. That's why they need to chew, and what often happens is that as humans we don't know about this, and as a result, our furniture usually pays the price.
This last example is a good illustration of why a professional dog trainer is important in the process of raising a puppy. I won't list every single one, because it would be a very long list, full of details to be discussed, however this is the main idea, and it should be taken seriously since it's vital for the balance and well-being of the house and family.